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Re: Survey Internet Transaction Settlements

X-Date Thu May 18 09:28:18 BST 1995
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL6]

In a previous mail , Bill Selmeier -- Net+Effects, Inc. wrote :
 > From owner-www-security@ns2.rutgers.edu Wed May 17 23:35:11 1995
 > From: "Bill Selmeier -- Net+Effects, Inc." <bills@net.effects.com>
 > To: www-security@ns2.rutgers.edu
 > Subject: Survey Internet Transaction Settlements
 > Net+Effects has been engaged to conduct a survey, on the Internet, to 
 > determine some of the preferences that Internet users have regarding the 
 > use of the Internet for purchasing products and services.
 > Electronic shopping and purchase of products and services over the
 > Internet/World Wide Web have attracted a great deal of publicity in the 
 > media, but important questions remain to be answered:
 > 	* How many Internet users have purchased a product or service 
 >           over the Internet?
 > 	* What kind of products and services are being purchased? 
 > 	* How did they pay for the product or service? 
 > 	* How would they prefer to pay for the product or service in the
 > 	  future?
 > 	* What is the general profile of an Internet user who has 
 > 	  purchased or is interested in purchasing products and services 
 > 	  over the Internet?
 > The intent of the survey is to provide some qualitative answers, to 
 > some very basic questions about how Internet users are using the 
 > Internet/World Wide Web for making purchases and how they would prefer to 
 > do so in the future.
 > The form is intended to take less than a minute to complete and submit.
 > The survey will be available to participants online at URL
 > "http://www.internex.net/survey/", until June 15, 1995. 
 > All survey participant responses are confidential. We would appreciate your
 > participation in the survey. 


	The connection is pretty tiny .

 Philippe Parmentier	 E-mail : P.Parmentier@ecmwf.int
 Snail : ECMWF, Shinfield Park, Reading, Berkshire RG2 9AX, U.K.